Engage Your Vitality.
Nurture and grow your spiritual and sexual self.
Sex Therapy Online in Washington and Wisconsin
Connect to your spiritual and sexual story!
It feels so shameful and uncomfortable for something that is supposed to be such a natural part of life. I feel like I’m broken.
My body doesn’t matter since I’ll die one day anyway, and it’s all about what comes after this life.
If my body could speak, I don’t even know what it would say since I’ve never thought it ok to listen.
At five, I was told that self-touching was dirty. It was supposed to be saved for my future partner.
My youth group leader told me that sex before marriage was like gum losing its stickiness. I waited, and the only thing that is sticking is this awful feeling.
Sex only hurts a little bit.
Can I ever see sexuality as my own?
“Good girl’s don’t.” I heard this once in regards to sex, and ever since have felt timid about any expression of desire.
Since I was four, I knew I was gay. I had to hide it because, in my community, I would have been the person that people prayed for, “the lost sheep.”
I just go through the motions waiting for that explosive feeling, but my body isn’t responding. It’s ok, though, because I feel so satisfied with every other part of our relationship.
It only matters how others see me – not how I see myself.

Many versions of sexual abuse…
Having permission for someone else to touch my body? I have no idea what that would even mean!
When I told my pastor that my husband was cheating on me, he told me to go home and have sex with him.
If I resonate with any of these feelings or experiences, is there hope for me?
A place to reconnect with your life force…
Therapy is a place for you to name areas of pain, a place to feel without judgment, and a place to claim what is yours.
Shame often grows in silence. Shame can convince you that you are the only one experiencing what you are or that you are broken.
You deserve to feel the best you in body, heart, mind, and spirit!

You know you are ready for therapy if:
You often feel alone and have no one to talk to about your sexual health.
You feel uncomfortable talking about your sexual health and find you don’t even know where to start using language to describe your experience.
You feel disconnected from your body or out of alignment
with your body, heart, and mind.
You think that sex seems to work for everyone else but not you;
therefore, something is wrong with you.
“It’s time to have a way finder to help tune in to my life.”
This is where I come in!
Hi, I’m Cherie.
You are here, and I am so glad! I find myself in this work, and this work has found me because I often wonder what it would have been like to have someone like me to talk to about sexual health (sexuality being all of who you are: body, heart, mind, and spirit).
You may be exploring a relationship or wondering how to voice your longings and desires, but it feels like speaking a foreign language. Maybe your spirituality and sexuality were required to be kept small because of a set of religious rules. So, taking up space in this area feels uncomfortable or unfamiliar. I understand.
“Live the questions now.” To get to live the questions in my own life and do this alongside the people that I am privileged to work with is an invigorating and empowering journey – one that involves slowing down and giving yourself the gift of time.
I know how scary and stuck it can feel to be unsatisfied with something and have little to no imagination for a way out. I also understand what it feels like to transform dissatisfaction into fuel for something new.
Shame, silence, or abdicating to others your self belonging start with you taking the next right step into a new story – a step only you can take but not alone. I am here with you in the process, particularizing hours of experience into helping you in your unique story!

Cherie Katt, MACP, LMHC, CST
Take time for YOU!
Connecting to your spiritual and sexual self can be key to a happier life.
I would be honored to walk with you on the journey to discover more of YOU!